Board of Directors

Feroze J. Cawasji


Started professional career in January 1978 at A.F. Ferguson & Co., Chartered Accountants with their Lahore office as a Trainee Student. He was involved in various capacities in the audits of organizations that included banking, pharmaceutical, fertilizer, gas transmission & distribution etc

In November 1988 he joined Pakistan Refinery Limited (PRL) as Audit and Systems Manager and a year later was made the Comptroller responsible for accounting and IT.

Effective November 2001 he was nominated as the first Secretary General of Oil Companies Advisory Committee (OCAC). Later in November 2003 he joined Pak Arab Refinery Limited (PARCO) as Deputy Managing Director. In June 2012, he was appointed as the Chief Executive of Pak Arab Pipeline Company Limited which is a joint venture between PARCO, Shell Pakistan, PSO and Total PARCO Marketing Limited.

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